The extended version of ” Sembang AIoT” sharing kick started with Vision AI OCR where in this case, digital meters are used as one of the source data AI data for the AI OCR engine to extract the Text from the different types of meters and indicators.
Again, the Non intrusive data extraction concept were discussed. That make us to recall the first version of non intrusive data extraction kits that we showed case in one of the IoT summit event in Penang organized by Intel Malaysia. In that demonstration, we showed the non intrusive data extraction with the industrial ebox IPC intercepting the VGA output from the simulated machine data and the video were scoped and extracted using the OCR engine that run on the ebox iPC. like the picture below. you can still find some pictures in our facebook page and search for non intrusive.
The live demonstration continues with the new sets of meters and indicators, this round we called it ” Digital data extract within digital”, where all the digital indicators were scanned with the camera, and the AI OCR was performed on the different types of digital display with data extraction. In this case, the Intel Openvino AI engine was used and it is running on the Axiomtek AI Edge computer.
below are some examples and tune in to our live channel to watch more interactive explanations.
Recalling non intrusive Data Extraction demon in 2019 at Intel IoT summit in Penang

power meters indicator is used as source of data on the digital display for the AI OCR to extract the data.
measuring inidcators is another data source on the digital display for the AI OCR to extract the data.

Industrial RTD sensors know-how

The industrial RTD temperature sensors used in our demonstration earned a discussion space for us to delve into the detailed know-how in the real application in the industry. 2 wires, 3 wires or 4 wires RTD are among the focus to explain differences, pros and cons and the selection of RTD sensor in the application. Temperature is one of the important parameters in many of the industrial processes, it is of utmost important for IIoT applications to recognize it and use it correctly in their subject of measurement. learn the detail in the interactive live session in the minute 27 onwards. you may search in the “youtube #21 sembang aiot” let us know if you couldn’t find them.

The same setup with 2 RTD temperature probes that is able to publish data to the aiot edge connect cloud platform. The data is hosted locally by the Axiomtek IIoT Edge Gateway.
The AioT Edge Connect cloud platform provides the following functions:-
- Data Histrorian
- Dashbaord data visulization
- Alert messaging – Whatsapp, Email, Telegram and SMS
To learn more about the above topic, do watch the live session on our youtube channel as below.
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